EPH - International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research http://eijaer.com/index.php/aer <p><strong><span id="cell-8-name" class="gridCellContainer"><span class="label">EPH - International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research (ISSN: 2208-2158)</span></span> </strong> publishes a wide range of high quality research articles in the field (but not limited to) given below: Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, Plant pathology, Plant Science, Fertilizers and pesticides, Genetic Engineering &amp; plant breeding, Animal scienceVeterinary Science, Aquaculture/Fisheries, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural machinery etc.<br /><strong>Current Impact Factor: 2.417</strong></p> EPH Journal en-US EPH - International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research 2208-2158 EXPLORING THE POTENTIALITY OF FLORICULTURE IN EMPOWERING URBAN AND RURAL POOR OF CACHAR AND KAMRUP METRO DISTRICTS OF ASSAM http://eijaer.com/index.php/aer/article/view/104 <p style="margin: 0in; text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">This research paper explores the floriculture market in the districts of Cachar and Kamrup Metro in Assam, India, with a focus on its potential for economic empowerment, for the urban and rural poor. Assam’s diverse geography, split between the Brahmaputra Valley and Barak Valley, presents distinct socio-economic challenges and opportunities in each region. Kamrup Metro, home to Guwahati, has experienced rapid urbanization, fostering significant growth in sectors such as floriculture. With favorable climatic conditions and access to markets, Kamrup Metro has become a hub for high-value flowers like orchids, marigolds, and roses. The floriculture sector not only provides substantial employment but also contributes to the local economy by connecting rural producers with urban markets. In contrast, Cachar, following an agrarian-based economy, has seen a rise in floriculture, supported by improved infrastructure and the emergence of small-scale farming companies. The market in Silchar has grown due to increased demand for flowers driven by weddings, festivals, and urbanization. Local businesses have responded to this demand by diversifying flower varieties and embracing eco-friendly and organic cultivation practices. Despite challenges such as access to financing and market volatility, the floriculture sector in both districts offers promising economic opportunities. The study concludes that floriculture has become a crucial economic sector for local entrepreneurs, providing income, job opportunities, and sustainable agricultural practices, and has the potential to foster long-term growth and development in both urban and rural communities in Assam.</span></em></p> Alorika Deb Dr. Durba Dutta Copyright (c) 2024 EPH - International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research 2024-11-25 2024-11-25 10 2 20 30 10.53555/eijaer.v10i2.104 THE CORRELATION OF BREAKFAST ON ADOLESCENTS’ NUTRITIONAL HEALTH http://eijaer.com/index.php/aer/article/view/103 <p>&nbsp;A comparative study on Impact of breakfast among adolescents of Bengaluru urban examines the consumption pattern, knowledge about the importance of breakfast, dietary pattern and mental health. It aims to assess the relationship between the breakfast consumption and nutritional status among the selected respondents to assess the nutritional awareness. The study was conducted among 100 adolescents who were likely to respond and aged between 11-16 years. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect the information. Additional general information about their name, age, gender, height, weight, type of family, school attendance etc. were collected. Statistical analyses like percentage, chi square test, mean and standard deviation was employed to analyse the data. In conclusion, this thesis underscores the substantial influence of breakfast habits on adolescent well-being. Through a comprehensive comparative study involving 50 girls and 50 boys, it became evident that boys who maintained a regular breakfast routine exhibited a superior understanding compared to their female counterparts. Interestingly, despite a general awareness of the importance of breakfast, a notable trend among girls was the tendency to skip this crucial meal as a means to manage weight. This finding raises important questions about the intersection of dietary choices, body image, and overall health among adolescent girls. In the end the adolescents were counselled about breakfast habits.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Parvathi Edwina Raj Geetha Santhosh Copyright (c) 2024 EPH - International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 10 2 1 19 10.53555/eijaer.v10i2.103