Pinching Treatments, Growth, Yield, OkraAbstract
Abelmoschus esculentus L. (Moench), sometimes known as okra, is a very significant crop that is grown all over the world in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate climates. (2022; Chauhan et al. Their leaves are long-petiolated, 10–20 cm long, and have five to seven lobes. Flowers are axillary and range in size from 4 to 8 cm in diameter. They produce elongated fruits with a diameter of 1.5 to 3 cm and a length of 10 to 25 cm. (Ali 2022). Okra growth and yield are significantly influenced by pinching technique. (Sahu and Biswal 2020). Early herbage cutting encourages uniform growth, flowering, and seed germination. The "Effect of pinching on plant growth, yield, and quality of different varieties of okra" is the topic of this study. The practice of pinching, which involves the removal of terminal shoot tips, has been explored as a cultural technique to enhance plant growth, yield, and produce quality in different varieties of okra. This review article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the effects of pinching on plant growth parameters, yield components, and the nutritional and sensory quality of various okra varieties. The review encompasses an in-depth analysis of the underlying physiological and morphological changes induced by pinching across different okra varieties. A synthesis of recent studies highlights the potential benefits and limitations of pinching in okra cultivation, considering the variability in results across different varieties and growing conditions. This review article systematically examines the effects of pinching on diverse varieties of okra with a focus on their growth patterns, yield attributes, and final harvest quality.
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