About the Journal
ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C, ARC was established in the year of 2024 and is a growing scholarly publisher in various fields. ARC Journal provides international editorial & peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, Refereed Research Journal, open-access journal with a high impact factor from 1 to 10, for both the online and print version with ISSN numbers. The print version is provided only on demand by the authors or institutions. We provide the author’s article a platform for Indexing our major Journal database & Metadata partner, Crossref, DOI, and Google Scholar. We follow all kinds of COPE, ethical, and community standard guidelines in bringing the article into the target journal database. ARC journal is an open-access journal where anybody can have access to the full text of the research article. We do not charge our readers any fees initially for the submission of the article. We allow our authors to archive their accepted and published papers either on their own or in an institutional repository. ARC Publishing of Books and Other Publication Services L.L.C is a scholarly publisher in the fields of engineering sciences like computer science, information technology, electronics engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc. The main purpose is to publish scholarly articles in the fields of engineering sciences like Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and many other research areas. The mission is to publish articles and a thesis utilized to research and global dissemination of academic information. ARC journal is a monthly, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal publication house. We utilize a blind peer-review policy in the evaluation of the article. We accept only original and authentic articles. The theoretical framework should be capable enough of replication. It is expected that all materials required for replication should be available upon the request of upcoming authors. ARC journals take precautionary steps in making the author’s article published in a fast-paced environment.
Our Coverage: We understand the author's needs in this regard and can provide him with the reference journals he requires to complete his article. We can guarantee that their article will be published in one of our most cited indexed journals, ARC, which includes studies on rapid research advances in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and so on. We publish mainly business & engineering-related concepts in our peer-reviewed, editorial, and open-access journals in different domains like Science, Engineering, Accounting, Marketing, Management, Mathematics, Finance, Banking, Economics, Human-Resources-Management, International-Business, Hotel-&-Tourism, Entrepreneurship-Development, Industrial-Relations, Business-Ethics, International-Relations, Population-studies, Law, Development-studies, Cancer-Treatment, Political-science, English-Language, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Journalism-&-mass-communication, Mathematics, Pharmacy, Physics, Statistics, Sea-Science, Biology, Micro-Biology, Bio-Engineering, Chemical-Engineering, Social-Science, Business-&-Management, Plastic-surgery, Educational-Research, Agricultural-Research, Environmental-Research, Humanities, Optics, Zoology, Mathematics, Statistics, Health-science, Biological-&-pharmaceutical-science, Zoology, Physics, Medical-Science, Food-Technology, Quantum-Mechanics, Digital-Marketing, Business-analytics, Leadership, Educational-Philosophy, Educational-practices, Agricultural-Engineering, Ecology, paleontology, Geography, Mythology, Art-&-music, psychology, Transportation-Service, Textile-Engineering, Robotics-&-Automation, Husbandary, Forestry, Electrical-engineering, Civil-engineering, Micro-biology, Database-management, Algebra, Business-&-Economics, Decision-making, Nutrition, Food-Technology, Quality-Management, literacy, History, Neuroscience, Telecommunication, Philosophy, Public-health, Anesthesia, Drug-Design-&-Development, Laser-Technology, Aerospace, Submarine-Technology, Space-science, Advanced-Pharmaceutics, Genetics, Social-Welfare, Anthropology, Homeopathy, Radiation-oncology, Wildlife, Operations-management and many scholarly article bibliometric database core collections that have been published in the Google Scholar indexing list.
MISSION: Progress, facilitate, and stimulate the advancement and application of business, engineering, arts, law, technology, political science, and other scholarly fields of research study for the benefit of society.
VISION: We are committed to publishing almost all kinds of research articles that need to be indexed into the world’s leading research journal indexing ranking list with a high Impact factor and a high Cite score.
Our approach in the market:
We provide a place for an affirmative decision on research published findings in every field of scholarly content articles. We investigate and analyze the research work submitted to us on various domains and departments. We publish monthly and yearly journals in all fields of research areas and practices. We create and implement very sophisticated methodologies in obtaining the goal of business profit and journal recognition that is very dynamic in the journal business, as well as achieving marketing goals and targets. We research the top journal business marketing strategies. We have best practices in our business approach both in terms of production and citation rank. The goal of our author’s articles is to meet international standards and achieve unmatched international citations and journal impact factor.
ARC approach:
Our research papers contain original, unplagiarized, factual, and accurate information on all types of subjects from researchers. Our timely readers and reviewers who are interested in their field of study, have a positive impact on our journals through their contributions and activities in their field of study. We serve as a bridge between different areas of research in the same field of study, exchanging any and all information necessary to bring their research article to a higher standard that is accepted by our team of editors and peers.
After the article is submitted with summarised current knowledge on their field of research, an authoritative review is required. We continue to expand in every field of study, publish articles on time, and make our editors and peer review process as quick as possible in order to obtain more citations score. We believe there is a need for proper journal publication ethics and concepts in this age of information explosion and digital takeover. Our dedicated Editorial team works hard to make the decision. It is a high-stakes job to provide a letter of acceptance to researchers for their article work on different areas of research. We, too, do not want our author's article to be rejected. As a result, we will continue to work hard to correct the author's article in terms of authenticity, originality, and grammatical errors.
Misconduct assertions -
Allegations of research or publication misconduct are investigated fairly and expeditiously by our panel of qualified editors, who ensure that the article content received from our authors is legitimate and authentic. Predatory journal publishers publish your article in low-quality and low-cited journals because fraudulent journals are of low quality, making your research work more difficult to find and reach the reading community. As a result, researchers in the author's field of study are less likely to be reached and explored.
Predatory publishing practice -
Before submitting your research article, you must ensure that the research paper established by the author is original and not fraudulent. Even if your article is unique, it may be rejected because it does not adhere to the guidelines of the indexed journal policies. The author should avoid fake peer review and fraudulent publishing practices because the publisher claims to provide true peer review and legitimate publication but does not. This will create a slew of problems for scientific progress. When the article is subjected to true peer review, the defects in the article's content are very likely to be discovered. When a false or inaccurate article is published, it diverts attention and allows misinformation to enter the larger research community.
ARC begins the process of article publication by assigning a Crossref and DOI number and collecting contact information (e-mail, ISSN, list of journals that we cover, and so on). ARC understands the insights of the article's authenticity, and we get a picture of what needs to be done for the article to be unique and legitimate, and ARC processes the article through our panel of peers, editors, and experts who analyze, compare, and make the decision to publish your article in legitimate, high-quality indexed journals.
The practice of making research articles freely available to the public so that anyone can benefit from reading and applying the research is referred to as open access. The Crossref and DOI assignment numbers make it simple to identify and retrieve open access. According to research, open-access articles are more widely read and cited than closed-access articles. Furthermore, those who have not yet subscribed can access the content. Open-access journals span multiple disciplines and increase the visibility of researchers' work, making it easier for them to collaborate. Many articles have benefited from our assistance in having their journals published on an open-access platform in order to increase the number of citations, exchange perspectives with readers, establish connectivity with readers, and increase the number of reader audiences. Finally, the article must be authentic and valuable enough to be accepted by peer-reviewed online journals namely, the Google Scholar indexing platform. ARC accepts articles from a diverse range of authors and makes them open access in order to gain recognition and ensure that the material obtained has not been submitted elsewhere or is not under review by any other publisher so that the author can reap the benefits of having his article open access and review by peers in that field of study.
ARC’s role in Journal Impact Factor and maintenance:
Acceptance, readership, authenticity, curiosity, awareness, and popularity are the metrics that determine the journal's quality. These are the primary factors influencing the journal's quality assessment. Cite-score metrics are calculated by dividing the total number of citations on documents such as research articles, conference papers, book chapters, data papers, and so on over a four-year period by the total number of documents of the same type indexed in Google Scholar and published during that time period. For all journals published in our publications, we maintain a journal impact factor that is accepted by many recognized universities and institutions. ARC is dedicated to providing its customers with the value and quality ranking that they require, as well as ensuring that the author's article is accepted by Metric-based indexed journals like Google Scholar, Crossref, Scholarsteer, CiteFactor, DRJI, Scientific Indexing Services, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Academic Resource Index - ResearchBib International Scientific Indexing (ISI), IFSIJ, SJIF, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources(ROAD), etc. Prior to quality implementation in the research performance evaluation, the Crossref and DOI reference numbers must be assigned to the article processing work.
ARC’s role in safeguarding Journal’s Ethical practices:
Ethics refers to the morally right and wrong behaviour norms that researchers should follow. We distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour through ethics. Respecting intellectual property, privacy, and confidentiality, as well as giving appropriate credit to other researchers' contributions, are all examples of ethical practices. Ethics are critical components in making research more promising and reliable. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) enforces the ethics of research authors, which is critical in the development of appropriate and unique research works that adhere to publication ethics.
After a lengthy process in which we ensure that every possible area of the article is effectively targeted and cross-checked with our metrics standards, the article is published. We process the content appropriately through our panel of experts before moving on to the next step of the publication process, covering all ethical values and practices implemented in the incoming article.
ARC is responsible for ensuring that the Crossref & DOI referencing adheres to the norms and code of conduct and that the article work is progressing in the right direction while maintaining its confidentiality. We use peer review to check for plagiarism in the content and adhere to all ethical policies established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). When all of the article's and ethical requirements are met, we are accepted by the target journal, Google Scholar.
ARC supports Interdisciplinary research: Over the last decade, many bibliometric papers have been published on interdisciplinary education, also known as curriculum integration, with varying results. The Digital Object Identifier DOI, specifically Crossref, assists in keeping track of upcoming research articles and the most cited, quality indexed Journals, as well as allowing the free flow of open-access data in interdisciplinary channels, allowing different research fields to connect and build a communication bridge that brings two different domains into a single platform so that they can exchange mutual information between them that will help in bringing their research article and can make a significant impact in its research field. Interdisciplinary research, or IDR, combines disparate knowledge to generate new knowledge that can be shared across multiple disciplines. Interaction between the two authors or between the article and the indexed journals from various disciplines result from integration. Many articles using an interdisciplinary approach have been published in a leading indexed journal list such as Google Scholar, Crossref, Scholarsteer, CiteFactor, DRJI, Scientific Indexing Services, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Academic Resource Index - ResearchBib International Scientific Indexing (ISI), IFSIJ, SJIF, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources(ROAD), etc. ARC has resolved many technical issues and problems encountered by authors in bringing them into the journals by establishing a strong relationship between the author and the editors' personnel of the indexed journals.