
  • Desai Riya
  • Patel Pratik



Soil, Constructed filter beds, Industrial Wastewater


Waste disposal is a major concern due to rapid urbanization and industrialization. Finding cutting-edge, eco-friendly technology is urgently needed to tackle it. This paper reviews Constructed soil filter beds as engineered model design for wastewater treatment and evaluates the potential of using porous media, like soil rock, stone, gravel and plants in treating different industrial and domestic wastewater. Soil minerals and soil microorganism play important roles in elimination of pollutants from wastewater. This process removes BOD, COD, TSS, and TDS effectively, environment-friendly, cost-effective and in eco-friendly manner with general and natural mechanisms.

Author Biographies

Desai Riya

Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Sarvajanik University, Surat, Gujarat, India.

Patel Pratik

Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Sarvajanik University, Surat, Gujarat, India


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