Camel, history, drought, raising, woolAbstract
In this review, we discussed about camel origin, history, population, characteristics, raising and wool, hair and skin from camel. The camelides belong to order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates) and sub-order Tylopoda. The family Camelidae is divided into 3 genera, The old world camels (genus Camelus, one-humped camel, Camelus dromedarius and The Bactrian or two-humped camel, Camelus bactrianus) and the new world camels (genus Lama with the species L. glama, L. guanicoe, L. pacos and genus Vicugna with the species V. vicugna). The Camelini had reached Eurasia via the Bering Isthmus about 5-3 million years ago, whereas Lamini dispersed to South America via Panam’s Isthmus about 3 million years ago. Scientists have been reconstructed an evolutionary life tree of the camelidae based on its genome sequences analysis. The camel can tolerate severe condition more than other animals and will continue to produce during severe drought in comparison to others. Breeding, feeding, housing, disease control and care all affect the growth and production of camels. In all the arguments against camel raising, the most important fact has been overlooked by the planners and the owners of the camels. The wool and hair of the old world camels is of lesser quality and value than that of the new-world camels. The Bactrian gives more wool than the dromedary and its wool is also of a higher quality. The wool is used for making padded cloth, quilts and mattresses, the hair used for making rope, clothes, tents, carpets, robes, saddlegirths and blankets.
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