Multivoltine, potential breeds, quantitative traits, Evaluation Index, breedingAbstract
With the objective of identifying potential parental breeds for breeding, a total of 81 multivoltine silkworm germplasm stocks conserved at Central Sericultural Germplasm Resources Centre, Hosur were evaluated in three replications by rearing in five crops during different seasons of the year. Data on the performance was collected and assessed for 12 quantitative traits of economic importance by employing multiple trait evaluation index method. Significant variations among the multivoltine breeds were observed and based on higher Evaluation Index values for economic parameters, the better performing breeds viz., BMI-023, BMI-080 and BMI-081 with higher values in more traits have been identified as promising breeds. The results of the study lay emphasis on utilization of these breeds expressing higher E. I. values in more number of quantitative traits for further breeding and large scale trials.
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