Congenital theileriosis, newborn calves, oxidative stressAbstract
In this study the occurrence of intrauterine transmission pathway of theileria spp from infected cows to its offspring was evaluated and the oxidative stress of theileria infection on new born calves and its body reaction by antioxidant response was determined. Twenty pregnant cows at the last trimester stage of pregnancy and its offspring from some localities in New-Valley Governorate and suffering from theileriosis(different degree of parasitemia) by clinically and laboratory (blood smears and PCR test) examine .Examination of 18 living new born calves where the rest number of newborn calves(two calves) dead during parturition, revealed 7(38.88%) calves only were positive by direct smear and indicated massive parasitemia but by PCR test revealed 14 out of 18(77.77%) new born calves were positive. The mean value of hematological parameters indicated significant decrease in TRBCs count, HB content, PCV (%), MCV (f l), MCH (p g/dl) and MCHC (g/dl) and significant increase in TWBCs count in comparison to control healthy calves, while evaluation of oxidative stress which revealed significantly increased in both parameters (MDA and PCs) by (P < 0.001), and no significant change in catalase enzyme and significant decrease in glutathione enzyme in comparison to healthy control group. Thereby from the results we can see the neonate calf acquired theileria annulata infection from her infected and/or immune carrier mother during gestation period and affected newborn calves develop clinical signs either soon after birth or during neonate life, lipid peroxidation is one of the important consequences of oxidative stress.
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