Determinant, Production, Label, Penja Pepper (Peper nigrum L.), Littoral, CameroonAbstract
This article seeks to identify and analyze the determinants of the Penja Pepper production. The survey focused 42 producers from whom data were collected and analyzed using Ordinary Least Squares method. The results of this analysis present the age of the producers and type of plants as the main factors having a negative impact on pepper production. They are significant at 10% and are negatively correlated with the production. In addition, on an average area of 1,675 ha, producers produce an average of 739.5 kg of dry Penja pepper and sell at an average price of 5084.37 CFA / kg. This production is well below the theoretically estimated amount that is 1500 to 2000 kg per hectare. The actors in the sector should use quality plant material, fight against the attacks using natural methods, and regularly monitor their plantation. This would reduce the risk of losing the label.
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