Illustrated guideswith identificationkeys, notes on distributionand habitats offreshwater fish species of Sudan weredue toBoulenger,1907; Sandon, 1950; Abu Gideiri, 1984,Bailey, 1994and Neumannet al.(2016).With respect to the Blue Nilein SudanAbu Gideiri (1967) studied the fish species between Khartoum and Roseires. Those of Lake Roseires were recorded by Mishrigi, 1970; Mahmoud et al., 2009; SMEC, 2010 and Elsayed, 2012. In addition, twoun publishedlistswere made byOmer and Hagar (2014) and Hagar (2017). The list might be a useful monitor for the impact, if any, of fully operating Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on Lake Roseris fish diversity.
. Abu Gideiri, Y. B. (1967). Fishes of the Blue Nile between Khartoum and Roseires. Rev. de Zoologei et de Botanique Africanies,76:345-348 .
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. Boulenger, G. A. (1907). Zoology of Egypt. The fishes of the Nile. Hugh Rees Ltd., London.
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