Planted filter, Typha Latifolia, wastewater, ammonium, phosphateAbstract
Systems for the purification of waste water by aquatic plants, functioning as biological assimilators by eliminating both biodegradable and non-biodegradable compounds as well as nutrients and metals. Several works have proven their ability to efficiently exploit municipal wastewater and industrial effluents. It is in this perspective that the aim of this study, which is to highlight the potentialities of a filter planted with Typha Latifolia to eliminate nitrates and ammonium present in domestic wastewater, is included. This work consists in controlling the purifying power of this plant during the passage of polluted water through this filter. The results obtained show that the elimination percentages are of the order of 90.38% and 91.65% respectively for ammonium and phosphates for a period of 10 days whereas the non-planted filters showed an elimination ranging from 68.65% and 78.11%.
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