artificial seeds, Encapsulation technology, polyoxyethyleneAbstract
In nature, seeds are typically the primary method of plant propagation. Some plants can be vegetatively propagated but conventional methods are time consuming, expensive and cannot produce plants at larger scale. Synthetic seed technology could play a significant role in the production of artificial seeds, or Syn-seeds. Somatic embryos lacked crucial auxiliary tissues like endosperm and protective coverings, which made them difficult to handle and store. Two kinds of somatic embryos are known as desiccated and hydrated seeds based on the techniques developed thus far. The goal of this study is to emphasize the historical and current status of the creation of synthetic seeds. The micropropagation method is still one of the main barriers to the advancement of artificial seed technology. Despite the use of somatic embryos for artificial seed generation in a variety of plant species, there are still some significant problems that must be resolved before progress can be made. The synthetic seed process is a godsend for the vegetative multiplication, conservation, & long-term conservation of rare, endangered, and vulnerable species' superior germplasm. The current scenario of artificial seed to advance agriculture innovation still requires more practical directed appliances.
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