Nowadays, more than ever before, the intense agricultural activity, the increasing industrial development, the increasing urbanization, the overexploitation of the aquifers have leaded in the degradation of the quality of groundwater and soil resources. The heavy metals play a great role because they are not disintergrated, but remain in the upper soil layer with high absorption from the plants and the human causing major problems. This paper presents the heavy metal concentration values, the spatial distribution of them as well as the correlation among these elements with the aim of pointing out the water degradation and the soil deterioration in the Mesogeia Valley. For this reason, 86 water and 42 soil samples, taken from the study area, were tested by atomic absorption spectroscopy and the heavy metal values were determined. The results were statistically analyzed and groundwater and soil resources quality was described. The results of this study constitute a basis for the necessary protection steps that need to be taken to prevent any further degradation of the areas’ natural resources.
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